Frequently Asked Questions

Why Should I Choose an Orthodontist for Orthodontic Treatment Instead of a Dentist?

Because it is a necessary and inevitably vital element for your health. The maxillofacial orthopedics and orthodontic specialists are authorized by the relevant university and the Ministry of Health to carry out the treatments in this field after receiving a 4-year specialist training following the education of the Faculty of Dentistry. Because the jaw-face region and teeth are permanently changed by orthodontic treatment. All interventions and practices of jaw-face orthopedics and orthodontics include a complex process requiring expertise. For this reason, it is very important that the treatment is performed by an orthodontist. The fact that the physician you get medical advice has an “ORTHODONTIST SPECIALIZATION CERTIFICATE” approved by the Ministry of Health and the relevant university rector shows that you are in the right place.

What is Orthodontics?

Most people know orthodontics as a special area of dentistry that focuses on correcting the teeth. However, orthodontics includes much more. At the same time, orthodontics covers the areas such as elimination of jaw-facial bones irregularities, improvement of chewing and respiratory functions, supporting the right (appropriate) jaw and teeth development in children.

How much are the Orthodontic Treatment Fees?

In Marmaris orthodontics clinic, the treatment fees vary according to many factors such as type of malocclusion, severity, duration of treatment, treatment objectives, and the variety of apparatus to be used. Despite the fact that we can not specify the relevant fee without special treatment planning, flexible payment planning is applied in our clinic.

Why Should I Receive Orthodontic Treatment?

Uneven teeth cause tooth decay, gingival diseases, chewing and digestive function disorders, tooth loss, TMJ disorders, and bad breath. It is healthier to have smooth teeth and a jaw-facial skeletal system. This makes your smile more attractive and most likely leads to increased self-reliance.

When Should the First Orthodontic Examination Begin?

It should be done approximately at the ages of 7-8 following the eruption of lower and upper incisors. Because, in this period, important information is obtained about the jaw-face development and permanent teeth that will continue to erupt. Some orthodontic applications with protective and preventive measures can prevent a condition requiring further tooth extraction and the treatment time can be shortened and the costs can be reduced.

What is the Appointment Frequency in the Orthodontic Treatment Process?

It usually varies from 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the type of malocclusion the patient has. However, some stages of treatment require more frequent controls.

Do Orthodontic Apparatus and Brackets Cause Pain?

Many factors, such as the type severity of the problem, patient's sensitivity to pain, and desire for orthodontic treatment are influential in pain situation. There may be specific symptoms of pain that may be related to the orthodontic treatment system you will have, and this will be explained to you by your doctor. However, the use of pain relief preparations is often low and the resulting pain is not at a level that can affect your daily life.

Can General Dentist Clean My Teeth During the Orthodontic Treatment Process?

Yes. You can your dentist make regular check-ups and schedule clean-up procedures during your orthodontic treatment process. Even when you have brackets in your mouth, your dentist will be able to successfully perform cleaning with special equipment.

Will Moving Apparatus and Invisible Plaques Affect My Speaking?

Speech function may be affected temporarily in some patients, especially in sounds (such as s, z, t) which are created with the contact of the tongue to paletine and teeth. However, the tongue and soft tissue adaptation will take place in a short time and you will not have a problem with your speech.

Will Orthodontic Treatment Affect My Life Style Significantly?

You will notice that not so many things have changed except for sparing more time brushing yoru teeth and some changes related to your diet.

As is the case with all new things, you can experience a non-exaggerated integration process during the start-up period. But then you will notice that you can eat most of your favorite food, play musical instruments and participate in sports activities, except boxing. You may take advantage of the appropriate treatment options young adults and professionals, such as Ceramic-transparent brackets and invisible 'lingual technical applications'.

Am I too Old for the Orthodontic Treatment?

No. The prerequisite for performing orthodontic (dental) interventions is not the age, but the appropriate dental and gingival health. However, the treatment of skeletal developmental disorders of the jawbones must be initiated before the leap of puberty. Once the growth and development are completed, such cases can be treated with orthognathic surgery (a combination of plastic surgery and orthodontic treatment).

Are My Teeth Deformed Again Following the Orthodontic Treatment?

Following the active orthodontic treatment process is ended; the passive orthodontic treatment process is initiated through the consolidation apparatus to protect the achieved condition. The possibility of deformation increases if the duration of use of the consolidation apparatuses, manner of use and control frequency are not carried out as instructed by your physician.

What causes to orthodontic disorder?

Orthodontic disorders may arise from many factors such as genetic factors, the presence of untreated and prematurely extracted temporary teeth, upper respiratory tract problems causing mouth breathing, bad habits such as finger sucking and nail-biting and infantile swallowing pattern.

In addition, studies have shown that deficiency of protein, vitamins A-D-B1-B2 protein and calcium affect the development of teeth and jawbones in a negative way.

I am interested in Orthodontic Treatment, How will I Begin?

Very simple. You should make an appointment to meet with Dr Sayin by calling our clinic at +90252 412 12 16. You can learn more about your treatment and payment options during your visit.